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Latest Bulletin and Monthly Calendar
September 07, 2024
Glory to Jesus Christ! Slava Isusu Christu! Read more »

Services Schedules translated in Native Languages
September 07, 2024
Церковное расписание с 7 по 15 Сентября: Розклад церковних послуг з 31 серпня по 8 вересня: Read more »

August 03, 2024
Spraznikom! On the Feast Day of the Holy Prophet Elijah our Church received a copy of the much venerated Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Read more »

July 14, 2024
Bible Study Wednesday August 14 at 7pm. Topic: The Uncreated Light of God Read more »

How to Give Aid:
December 31, 2023
See donation link to IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) Read more »

Pray for Ukraine
February 25, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, Our hearts go out to everyone, in this difficult time. Let us the faithful continue to raise our prayer unceasingly, in our homes and Church until peace returns to the Ukraine. Lord have Mercy! Read more »

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